
Highlight: World of Warships - Giulio Cesare - Right amount of OP

Highlight: World of Warships - Giulio Cesare - Right amount of OP The good ole Giulio Cesare...over powered punch from the guns BUT you step out of line or disrespect your enemy, you'll pay as it's not some idiot proof sunken/turtle backed/hidden citadel deal here. You MUST angle. The HE rounds aren't anything special either so no "herp-a-derp are ammo choices a thing, duh?" either. So next time you see one of these spamming HE at you have a little chuckle to yourself at the potential the player is wasting :)

My only gripe is just after I bought her(yes, I bought mine with actual money n everything) Wargaming decided "You know what, we want to attract some of our inactives back to the game. Lets give this thing away after selling a butt load of them to the plebs that play regularly". Cheers WG. So glad you appreciate your customers so much. Gives me warm n fuzzies, I'm not at all salty xD

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twitch,games,Giulio Cesare,World of warships,battleships,Italian,Navy,Wargaming,

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