
NO Win | Favorite Person of BPD | Unhealthy Relational Dynamics

NO Win | Favorite Person of BPD | Unhealthy Relational Dynamics Are you the "favorite person" of someone with Borderline Personality Disorder? The relational dynamics of this are not healthy. You can't win. You will inevitably be devalued at some point. Being the BPD's favorite person is self-abandonment and codependent. BPD Favorite person origin with those with BPD.

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Codependency,Borderline Personality,CPTSD,BPD Faviorite person,Codependents and being BPD favorite person,BPD favorite person can't win,ex of BPD,bpd girlfriend,aj mahari on bpd favorite person,No rescuing the borderline,enabling a borderline,Borderline's favorite person is in no win place,aj mahari,self abandonment of BPD favorite person,BPD favorite person often codependent,stressful to be favorite person of a borderline,

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