
Out Of Context? Yahoo News Posted The Rashida Tlaib Segment In Full

Out Of Context? Yahoo News Posted The Rashida Tlaib Segment In Full Look, we’re perfectly happy to excuse as just clumsy wording Rep. Rashida Tlaib saying that the Holocaust remembrance had given her a “calming feeling,” and anyone accusing her of saying the Holocaust gives her a calming feeling is being disingenuous. But while Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have both dismissed complaints about Tlaib’s statement as typical GOP “smears,” neither one has bothered to touch upon what really has people bothered: the historical revisionism that people who know the truth refuse to accept and have gone public to correct. Earlier we posted a fantastic thread by Jeff Jacoby, complete with the front pages of newspapers from the time, showing Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with future ally Adolf Hitler. “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany,” Husseini wrote, “was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine & the Arab world.” Heck, even CNN did an on-air fact-check of her claim.

So, no, no one owes Tlaib an apology for calling her out on her historical inaccuracies. Yahoo News has posted the podcast segment in question; judge for yourself if her critics are taking her out of context: -- Yahoo News @YahooNews: “During an interview with @skullduggerypod, Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib weighed in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and said her Palestinian ancestors provided a “safe haven” for Jews following the Holocaust.” -- Yeah, the “coming from a place of love” thing is darling, but Palestinians sacrificing themselves to provide a “safe haven” for Jews following the Holocaust? -- Aaron Abbott @TheAbbottTake: “Well…she lied.” -- Cole Scrogham @CScrogham: -- Geoffrey Stevenson @TannedBeach: “Was that before or after they declared war on them?” -- Rene7897 @Sleepyrene: “Is that why they were allied with Hitler?”

Marril Flanderz @merrilflanderz: “There is literally no evidence of this.” -- Sween @sweenprs: “Yeah, that has no factual basis in history.” -- dannyh00ver @dannyh00ver: “They chose to create a safe haven for Jews? So how can you blame the Jews for something that was offered to them when they had to flee their homes?” -- Chris 🌟🌟🌟 @HeliJoc Replying to @dannyh00ver: “Good point.” -- Paula Bayer @PDBayer: “What? Now she's rewriting history…we aren't that stupid (yet at least).” -- 響き @EightBazookas: “just wow” -- Dana Loesch @DLoesch: “Good grief, the revisionist history.” -- Joe Maddeplorable @Madddman26 Replying to @DLoesch: “It's not revisionist, it's total hatred and insanity…” -- Steven @steveski_33064: “@RashidaTlaib is a liar. The #Palestinians allied with #Hitler during WWII” -- Brad Whitt @BradWhitt2: “Her "Palestinian" ancestors were pictured with Adolf Hitler. Here are the Mufti and Hitler discussing his Jewish solution.”

Giancarlo Sopo @GiancarloSopo: “Let’s set the record straight: Palestinian leaders NEVER provided Jews a “safe haven.” Not before, during or after the Holocaust. To use a term the history revisionists may appreciate, Palestinian war criminals **colluded** with the Nazis to murder Jews. History is clear.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻” -- Dov Hikind @HikindDov: “Antisemites like @rashidatlaib have a long track record of distorting Jewish history just as the Nazis did - but only Rashida lies, gets called out, and then blames her critics for her lies! I’m glad we all saw right through her, but she’s still in Congress!” -- Shaunte Alvarado @LaneAlvarado: “If they tell enough lies over and over, repeat the same thing over and over people will start to believe. They start the “I’ve heard that before” and people will think it’s truth and that they are so innocent.”

And that’s what has people so worked up — or what should have the Democrats worked up enough to stop calling for apologies and maybe get their own house in order.

YouTube: 'CNN Inciting Violence'? John King Leads Discussion Shredding Rashida Tlaib's Historical Revisionism

Twitchy: Liz Cheney calls on Nancy Pelosi to act after new Holocaust comments from Rashida Tlaib; WaPost gives it the ‘Republicans seize’ treatment

Twitchy: Out of context? Yahoo News has posted that Rashida Tlaib segment online in full


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