
Steve Richards Holographic Kinetics TimeLoops/Dimensions/Predictions/Traps of Agreement OAH Pt5

Steve Richards Holographic Kinetics TimeLoops/Dimensions/Predictions/Traps of Agreement OAH Pt5 Steve Richards founder of Holographic Kinetics and Dreamtime Healing. DREAMTIME HEALING is about rebalancing of the imbalances of man's internally- created realities through the cycles of dimensions that man calls "time". Dreamtime healing can access the internal dimensional world of all living things, the life force, the invisible, man at times calls spirit, [different from the soul] where all creation is first set-up, and then flows through into the visible external world of reality. It is an advanced Aboriginal-healing modality, incorporating the applied knowledge of Lore that governs the internal invisible dimensions of life, which no man can escape, these are different from our external laws that govern our physical reality.

In this 6th show in the Series: "Our Altered Histories", Steve discusses with me the Laws of the Universe which were systematically eliminated from our general awareness as the aboriginal people's were persecuted and suppressed from utilizing their ancient practices of the awareness of how our Dimensions operate, especially in regards to healing trauma and karma, resulting in the generations of ancestral trauma that is now greatly affecting our lives. This show focuses on the wisdom that what has been predicted to happen in our future, cannot be foretold as an absolute. A view of the future can only be a replaying of a past event that took place and if no significant changes are made, then this probable future will play out. In that, prophecies and predictions are only based on what took place once before and we are meant to change the outcomes in this lifetime around if the outcome is not favorable, by making new choices in the present.

Steve discusses cycles of time, time loops, and how the dimensions of our reality work. How traps of agreement work and how to not get involved with them.
Why are they traumatizing animals the way they are? What is inverse law and as the yin/yang has changed it's polarities how are they planning trauma events to systematically traumatize populations as they are destined to be waking up?



***green screen upcoming next videos, pls excuse the red eyes due to a beige wall being used
(cindy :) )


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