We provided free coach hire transport for the Ladies Fighting Breast Cancer choir and whisked them away to their #BritainsGotTalent audition at the London Palladium😀
Working very closely with Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and Ladies Fighting Breast Cancer charity in the run up to the event we also filmed the entire experience. Take a look below...
The choir performed amazingly on the night, recieved a standing ovation, and 4 yeses from the judges who were thrilled with the performance and commented 'it was such an uplifting experience like none of us had ever enjoyed' and this is only the start.....
Click for more information on LFBC🌸 -
#BGT #BGT2019 #Britainsgottalent2019 #coachcompany #brumchamber #lfbc #ladiesfightingbreastcancer #charity #cancercharity #cancer #breastcancer #breastcancercharity #choir #choirperformance #bgtchoir #coachhire #transport