I discuss how to think Pragmatically and how to use Pragmatism to your advantage. I've decided to start a series of videos on Pragmatic thinking called "The Pragmatist. Look forward to more topics such as The Negativity Bias and Positive Feedback Loops coming soon!
🔴 If you’re interested in listening to a couple podcasts done by me and my friends, here are the links:
✅ Let's connect:
Instagram - /parth_dhamelia
Music Used: Mayday by The Fat Rat
charles sanders peirce,william james,john dewey,philosophy of language,c. s. peirce,dennis prager,donald trump,william james psychology,Success,Motivation,The Pragmatist,Parth Dhamelia,Tony Stark,Terminator,Monsters University,Steve Jobs,how to be a pragmatist,Friends,Iron Man,The Accountant,The Imitation Game,Cost Benefit Analysis,Business,Trail and Error,Test Ideas In the Field,Experimenting,Results,Studies,Education,Learn,How to Learn,Calculations,