
March 16, 1988 "Road of Trials / In Dubious Battle" dream

March 16, 1988 Vortex festival:
was planned as a strategy to prevent demonstations against President Nixon's appearance national American Legion convention in Portland

Operation Midnight Climax

First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Full Dream:

Drawing out every paradigmatic hero's journey map in color - one where every bit of the journey is represented pictorially. It is very beautiful - the border - the road of trials, all square spirals like .... (image of square spirals) accuarte and archetypal to the inch. Different things are expressed differently - It is all very beautiful - patterned beautifully like art nouveau or perceptions on a psychedelic trip - leaves curving, suggesting spirals, and bright green flowers, bright orange (picture of poppies coming out of poppies) - it is unclear whether this poppy is an expression of moving downward through stages, or outward.

There is another expressed in flowers - a maze or path, too. Trees with beautiful leaves.

There is a giant (picture?) I see a GIANT boy's lip - HUGE PROPORTIONS, blown up with a cut on it - the skin torn off in a spot - it is somehow a symbol of the book "In Dubious Battle" and the failure of the workers. In my dream the strike in that book failed not because it was put down by scabs and the companies, but because the workers were kept stupid by the strike leaders. Those who tried to dig deeper and get knowledge on what a strike is and how to maintain a strike after they've gotten what they wanted, etc, are yelled at and thrown out of the way of knowledge by the strike leaders.

The image for this is: 1. the lip with the cut and 2. some workers in a beautiful orchard. The trees are beautiful and green and have golden fruit. The strike leaders come in and yell and swear and chase the workers out.

dreams,visions,missing journals,repetition,

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