Are you using the right OSINT tools?
OSINT Investigations are more than just surfing the Internet.
Capturing online information improperly has led to case law requiring improved procedures and tools for conducting OSINT investigations.
This is where using Hunchly and Forensic Notes can improve and simplify your OSINT investigations and aid in your findings being accepted in a court of law.
Hunchly automatically collects, documents, and annotates every web page you visit.
Forensic Notes gives you the most modern and efficient way of keeping notes.
Read our Guide to see how these tools can improve your investigations.
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Doing OSINT correctly is important. Investigators and analysts are often tasked with conducting OSINT investigations with little training and instruction into how online information should be documented, captured or later disclosed. This is partly because many people, falsely, equate OSINT work as simply knowing how to “Google”.
Learn how to avoid some of pitfalls and ensure your investigations don't get tossed out on technicalities.
Hunchly and Forensic Notes cover two vital elements that may come under scrutiny months or years after your investigation:
1. Ensuring your capture is a true and accurate representation of what you observed;
2. Contemporaneous note-taking.