
The Law of Correspondence & The Universe Inside You ~ Visuals of Hermetic Principles Video #2

The Law of Correspondence & The Universe Inside You ~ Visuals of Hermetic Principles Video #2 A mix of videos, music and quotes regarding the 2nd Hermetic Principle of Natural/Universal/Cosmic Law that is immutable and Hermetically Sealed which applies to all of creation across all densities and planes... I won’t reiterate much of what this video explains here.. i’ll just say that aligning to Natural Law is the path to freedom, enlightenment, sovereignty, peace, justice, truth, morality and higher evolution in consciousness for the individual and humanity as a whole, since they both tend to correspond and such;)

Please keep in mind (extra pun intended) that it always starts with the first Cosmic Principle of Mentalism- all is mind. if you haven't seen my premier video or understood from other sources this first Law, you're going out of order and i advise you to innerstand that first, but it's your free will choice and i hope you find this work valuable none-the-less.

This 2nd Natural Law Principle of Correspondence is unknown, ignored and misunderstood by the majority of humanity.. this is what many vegans, anarchists, and so-called truthers need to really understand and align themselves to.. it's a process and i'm still refining my knowledge, thoughts and behaviors as well.. we need to subtract ourselves to the full spectrum of suffering, slavery, and assbackwardsness, which starts with the individual and correcting their self inflicted suffering and mental slavery plus any ego issues. nobody is saying it's easy, but any effort towards ending slavery and suffering is encouraged. i'm just trying to live without contradiction and in accordance to Natural Law and the non aggression principle to the fullest.. btw, there is no vilification intended towards anyone listening who isn't vegan or vegetarian. if there was, this video would've been more graphic and repulsive, but i didn't want to make such a drastic transition from the first half of this project and make the focus on a dietary lifestyle when there's so much more to consider.

what the majority of people on earth do not understand with veganism, is the Law/Principle of Correspondence and how it does matter in regards to our overall well being and sovereignty.. So many of these outspoken vegan advocates never mention this, nor Natural Law as a key fulcrum of pertinent reasons to not kill animals for food when it's not necessary.. but let's be real cuz we need to free ourselves from slavery before we can free other beings, which is what will eventually lead to vegan anarchy. The True meaning of anarchy: no rulers, no masters, no slaves.. it does not mean chaos and a world without rules, but the opposite, with Natural Law as the template of universal rules to abide by, coupled with the non-aggression principle (NAP).

This is currently under a copyright claim dispute, so if things don't work out, this video will be gone and i'll try to reshuffle some of the content to avoid that again.

Video credits roughly in order:::: all from youtube under Fair Use Act or creative commons.. please contact me if you are the content owner and have a problem with this.
As Above, So Below (Animated Short) - Matt Reed
As Above So Below - worsethanuseless
infinite zoom_ the inner universe - Chris Tolworthy
Spirit Break Out: Dance - Gabriel Lorena
HOLOGRAM - new best particles video selection for 4 faces Pyramid!! by HOLHO Collection
Nature by Numbers - Etérea Studios, Cristobal Vila,
Astralium - Sander Bos
On The Real Number Line - Mandelbrot Fractal Zoom (4k@60fps) - Maths Town
Imax "Cosmic Voyage" (Powers of Ten - Ultimate Zoom)- AureliusQ
Natural Law - MEDL4
Most People Simply Cannot See What is Coming - The Crowhouse
Mother Earth Is Dying - Animal Salvation
(credits do not include pictures, slides and -10sec clips due to limited description space)

Soundtrack credits in order: rhymeistheteacher2 - Can Be
Introspettito - V.A.
Train Til Nowhere - Maker
Consumption - Evidence

Vocal credits: Sethikus Boza, Mark Passio Manly P Hall, Nathan Riddett, and Tony Sayers.. Hats off to these gentlemen! haven't heard many females talking that Natural Law Truth so if anyone knows of anyone, i'd love to balance that out and promote their work.

arranged, mixed and produced in 432Hz by yours truly


Natural Law,Principle of Correspondence,kybalion,as within,documusical,Natural Law Principle,Law of Correspondence,universe in atom,Visuals of Hermetic Principles,truth over beats,vegan,as without,Cosmic Law,vegetarian,fractals,powers of ten,universe zoom,voyage in multiverse,self inflicted,instrumentals,quotes,fibonacci,animation,as above so below,sacred geometry,occult science,

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