
Time Travel Step by Step: Self Inspire with your OWN Mandela Effect

Time Travel Step by Step: Self Inspire with your OWN Mandela Effect Time Travel Step by Step: Self Inspire with your OWN Mandela Effect

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Time Travel Step by Step: Self Inspire with your OWN Mandela Effect

In my current series on cracking the mind code, we take a journey through time itself. The idea of building a time machine has been with us since the dawn of science-fiction writings and in fact, the first mention of such ideas goes back even further.

However, this episode looks at other forms of time travel and how we can change our world by use of them. We are all time travelers, you just did not know it. Time machines suggest the idea that a "machine" is required.

We take a closer look at that misconception and use it to our advantage. I am also going to give you step-by-step instructions in creating your very own MANDELA EFFECT, Yes you heard that correctly so stay tuned...

The only limitations we have are those we place upon ourselves and in this episode, if only for the time we have while you watch or listen, time is going to be manipulated in our favor.

You even get to see how other people view time against your idea of it.

I hope you take this journey and stay for the whole trip since it going to project yourself from the past into the future. And how about a conversation with a successful future YOU!

All this and more in this week's episode

Question everything, believe nothing and stay curious

See you on the other side...

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