Lost on how to deadlift? Check out my instructional video:
Check out my other workout videos in my recent series:
If you love this workout and want more, check out my program Stronger by the Day for only $8/month:
Here's the full workout:
1. Raise your Heart Rate: 5 minus of light cardio
2A Ankle and Wrist Roll 2x6/side
2B PVC Shoulder Pass Through 2x6
2C PVC Overhead Press 2x6
2B Runners Lunge 2x6/side
Perform the following circuit: 6x/side ankle and wrist rolls, 6x Shoulder Pass Through, 6x Overhead Press, 6x/side Runners Stretch. Move through each exercise of the circuit continuously for the prescribed reps, then rest between rounds. Complete 2 total rounds of this
3A Banded Face Pulls with External Rotation 2x10
3B Clamshells 2x8/side
Perform 10 reps of Banded Face Pulls with External Rotation, then perform 8 reps/side of Clamshells. After you complete Clamshells, rest, and then perform the circuit again. Complete 2 total rounds of this circuit
4 Slow Bear Crawl
2-3x 30sec
Perform 2-3 sets of 30 second bear crawls, resting roughly 1 minutes between sets.
1 Pause Front Squat 3x3 @ RPE 6-7
Rest 1-3 minutes
Perform 3 sets of 3 reps using a fairly conservative weight. At the end of your set you should feel somewhat challenged, but should be able to complete all reps without reaching failure. Aim to leave ~3-4 reps left in the tank at the end of your set. If you are unable to front squats, consider substituting this for an alternative pause squat variation (high-bar squat, safety bar squats, belt squats, leg press, etc.).
2 Deadlift, ascending 3x4 @ 80%+
Rest 2-4 minutes
3A Single Leg Glute Bridge 3x8/side
3B DB Box Step Ups 3x12/side
Rest 1-2 mins between rounds
Perform superset back to back, then rest between rounds.
4A DB RDLs (4s Negative) 3x6
4B Band Abd. Goblet Squat 3x15
4C Deadbugs 3x8/side
Rest 1-2 mins between rounds
Perform giant set as a circuit, going from movement to movement without stopping, then rest between rounds. For the DB Romanian Deadlifts, perform with a strict 4-second ("one-one-thousand...") negative, and feel free to use straps if needed.
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BUSINESS INQUIRIES: kat@megsquats.com
Powerlifter Tries Weightlifting:
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