
Faculty Induction Training Programme II - FDC Lecture Series (Shubhro Michael Gomes - 27/04/2019)

Faculty Induction Training Programme II - FDC Lecture Series (Shubhro Michael Gomes - 27/04/2019) Faculty Development Centre :
The Faculty Development Centre at Iswar Saran PG College (University of Allahabad) has been established in July 2018. It is funded by MHRD Govt. of India under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT). It is meant to train teachers for analytical skills, communication skills, honesty, integrity, human rights, gender sensitization and commitment to social justice. The mission of this Faculty Development Centre is to impart comprehensive training for instilling professionalism, competency and humanism in every teacher of Higher Education.

Faculty Induction Training Programme,fdc,FDC Lecture Series,Iswar Saran PG College,The Faculty Development Centre,Shubhro Michael Gomes - 27/04/2019,gomes,kolkata,

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