14. The Disco Spider
No, this is not a spider that listens to disco or plays disco, or even glows like a disco ball (the cool modern ones I mean). Rather, the Disco Spider has a unique function that does emulate the pulsating style of a disco ball. Mainly, The orb-weaver’s abdomen exhibits a pulsating movement that appear to show its internal organs working under a translucent membrane.
13. The Flic-Flac Spider
Based on the name of this creature, you might not know exactly what it can do. Which might be the point, because the Flic-Fac Spider can do something that most animals can't...it can do a cartwheel.
12. Trapdoor Spiders
When it comes to spiders, many use very basic means of capturing prey via luring them into their webs. In fact, if I was to ask you how spiders hunt, that's how you would describe it, right? However, when it comes to the Trapdoor Spiders, they get a bit more cunning in their approach
11. Brazilian Wandering Spider
This terrifying spider is known to have a very powerful and very active venom. Some even call this the most venomous spider in the world (there are levels of this for the record), and they're active hunters, which means they get around a lot.
be hard for them to sneak in and strike before a human would notice they were there.
10. Cobalt blue tarantula
When you hear the name Cobalt blue tarantula, you're likely one to picture a rather dangerous spider that isn't something you'd like in your home. But quite ironically, the Cobalt blue tarantula is indeed a breed of spider that is sold as a pet. Quite frequently sold as a pet might I add.
9. Diving Bell Spider
I want you to picture a spider in its natural habitat. You picturing it? Now, where is it? Regardless of the forest-like or woods-like habitat, I would bet you that you're picturing the spider above ground. Meaning, it's on land. But in the case of the Diving Bell Spider, this is a species of arachnid that lives almost its whole life...underwater. No, for real.
8. Jotus remus
Ok, this one just reeks of being strange just because of a certain practice that it does. The Jotus remus is a version of the Australian Jumping Spider and was found back in 2016. And almost immediately, scientists found out that when it wants to find a mate, it does something we humans are very familiar with...it plays peekaboo. No, I mean it. It does this via a paddle-like structure on its body.
7. Ornamental Baboon Tarantula
Many spiders are known for their odd colorings and their sizes. In West Africa, a very rare and special kind of spider exists in the form of the Ornamental Baboon Tarantula. They're usually found in Togo or Ghana, and when they're fully grown, they can reach over 5 inches in length.
6. Ladybird Mimic Spider
In nature, camouflage is a very effective way of staying alive as well as luring foes into a false sense of security. For the Ladybird Mimic Spider, they go into an interesting part of that caste of creatures. Because they not only have the body colors of a ladybird beetle (aka ladybugs), they'll also compress their bodies at times to ensure that from above (via birds) that they know that it's "ladybugs" that they are eyeing.
5. Flower Crab Spider
Continuing on with spiders that know how to blend in with their environments, I give you the Flower Crab Spider. This is another very special species, because these spiders (which are numerous in the world) will go and rest upon arrays of flowers, and to make sure that no one spots them, they'll actively change colors! Yeah, they will, they're capable of changing their colors on a dime should the situation be necessary. And when you're hunting for food? It's always necessary.
4. Ogre-Faced Spiders
I probably shouldn't have to describe this kind of spider to you all, but given that you might get the wrong idea, it's probably for the best. Ogre-Faced Spiders are one of the more odd and unique spiders in the world today. They're part of the "net-catching" spider breed where they'll actually make a net from their threads and silk, hold it in the air, and then catch prey when they're in range
3. Wrap Around Spider
Want to see another example of a spider blending into nature in a weird way? Meet the Wrap Around Spider. This is a spider that uses its rather thick body and will press it against a tree trunk or branch, which when mixed with its natural brown coloring will ensure that it goes virtually undetected by foes as well as prey.
2. Bird Dropping Spider
In nature, sometimes the best creatures that are hunters are the ones that are best able to blend in with their environment in such a way that no one would question what they are, and aren't.
1. The "Albino" Spider
This particular creature is a bit deceptive in its naming. Mainly because despite being called the Albino Spider, only one part of the spider is actually white.