
9 Things to NEVER Do to Your Filipina Girlfriend ❤️

9 Things to NEVER Do to Your Filipina Girlfriend ❤️ 9 Things to NEVER Do to Your Filipina Girlfriend. Filipina Dating Website: ❤️

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In this video, we're going to look at... 9 Things You Should NEVER Do to Your Filipina Girlfriend...

Earlier tonight, an American friend of mine told me that, "A Good Filipina Will Take a Bullet for You..."

You often hear guys in the expat community talking about how, they want to find a good woman - someone to spend their life with.

But something we virtually never hear guys talking about, is how to go about being the very best man they can possibly be - So That, You'll Actually Interest, Attract and Deserve That Good Woman in the First Place...

With that in mind, let's go through these 9 points and see how you measure up.

#1. Never Cheat On Her.

Being unfaithful is one of the very worst things you can ever do to someone.
You can leave them mentally and emotionally broken for the rest of their lives. So if you're in a relationship... for goodness sakes, be faithful.

Don't be a player or a butterfly.

Be the Man She Can Trust 100% With All Her Heart. And Be That Man - 100% of the Time.

#2. Don't Lie to Her.

Stop and think about this for a moment... You'd absolutely hate it, if your Filipina Girlfriend lied to you, wouldn't you?

Well Then, Show Her the Same Respect.

Or You'll End Up Breaking her Heart... #3. Never - Under Any Circumstances Use Physical Violence. Never Ever Hit Her.

I Personally Believe Any Man Who Hits a Woman, Should be Horse Whipped...

And don't start giving me any excuses. Because the truth is, there are none. There's NEVER an Excuse for Physical Violence.

#4. Never Take Her for Granted...

If You've Ever Lost Someone That You Truly Loved, You'll Know Only Too Well... That Nothing in All the World Hurts Quite Like That.

So step up to the plate. And be the man who Truly Appreciates Her 'All the Time.'

Go out of your way to make her feel special. #5. Don't Expect Her to Be a Mind Reader.

Make a point of telling her that you love her. Tell her you love her when you wake up. Tell her ytou love her when she goes to sleep. Tell her you love her all throughout the busy day. Don't expect her to just 'know' it. TELL her that you love her. Tell Her That She's Loved - All the Time.

#6. Very Important. Never Forget Who She is...

And... who YOU are [in relation to her]. If you're with the right Filipina, you should look on her and treat her as if she's the most important thing in all this world to you, besides God.

Because, if you truly understand who SHE is, you'll get a much Deeper Understanding of who YOU are as a man... My Filipina likes to tell me that, "I'm 'Her Man.' And She's My Girl." And I absolutely love that. I Seriously Love That She's My Girl.

It Feels Like a Fairytale Come True. Folks, knowing who we are keeps us 'centered and focused'.

#7. Never Use Your Words to Hurt, Manipulate Or Abuse Her.

Verbal and Emotional Abuse is Something Only an 'Absolute Scumbag' of a Man Uses... And Let's Be Abundantly Clear. Nothing Gives You the Right to Manipulate or Control Anyone. Least of all, the woman you're supposed to love... So always use your words to encourage, support and build her up. And never to mock, belittle or intimidate her.

#8. Never Compare Her to Another Woman.

All women absolutely hate it when you do that. She is 100% Unique. Treat Her Accordingly. Appreciate the fact that, out of all the Billions of people on the earth... You've been uniquely blessed to hold that special place in her heart...

And it's precisely because of that, that you should... #9. Never Stop [Not Even for a Single Day] Working On Your Relationship.

I've learned that absolutely nothing in the world is more important than the relationships in our life.

I've also discovered that, relationships are anything but easy. In fact, the single biggest challenge you'll ever face, is to find and maintain the right relationships.

The secret is, that they take LOTS of quality time, dedication and serious committment. Especially when the relationship is with the woman that you love

and hope to spend the rest of your life with... But for those who manage to get things right, finding someone to love... and having them love you too, is pretty much the best feeling in the entire world.

Guys, absolutely none of us are perfect. And there is no magic relationship potion. Let's be honest. We All Make Mistakes. We say things we deeply regret. And sometimes we do the stupidest stuff to ourselves and others. Heck, if they were handing out prizes for people who've screwed things up relationship-wise, I'd be standing right near the very front of the line.

But.. it's 'NEVER' too Late to Change. It's Never Too Late to Restore, Repair and Rebuild.

And no matter who you are, or what you done, or what you're facing now... It's never too late to start again.

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