
'Am I Impacted By Generational Trauma?' Intergenerational Trauma: -Psychotherapy Crash Course

'Am I Impacted By Generational Trauma?' Intergenerational Trauma:  -Psychotherapy Crash Course Early upload! Have a good week.

Intergenerational trauma can
negatively impact families
as a result of:

1. Unresolved emotions and
thoughts about a traumatic

2. Negative repeated patterns of
behavior including beliefs
about parenting

3. Untreated or poorly treated
substance abuse or severe
mental illness

4. Poor parent-child relationships
and emotional attachment

5. Complicated personality traits
or personality disorders

6. Content attitude with the
ways things are within the

7. Poor parent-child relationships
and emotional attachment

8. Complicated personality traits
or personality disorders

9. Content attitude with the
ways things are within the

In this video, I break down and define the impact of intergenerational trauma. I also briefly share my own experience.

3-part model:
Stage 1: self, social, familial trap: feelings of powerlessness in family, social relationships, and within oneself.

Stage 2: victimization spreads to other relationships and you remain stuck in "victim mode."

Stage 3: Shared helplessness becomes the identity of your own family. You spread feelings of helplessness to your children through your actions or lack thereof.

I welcome your comments and questions!

------Contact me-------

I'm Támara, a licensed and nationally certified mental health therapist, with over 11 years experience. I specialize in helping children, teens, and families with mental illness. I also treat psychological trauma in children, teens, and adults.
If you'd like to contact me, you may email me at

Mail me stuff!
PO Box 113
Bridgeville, PA 15017

Social media:
Twitter - @therapisttee

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#trauma #psychology #tamarahilllpc

*New videos Mondays & Fridays with a periodic bonus video on Wednesdays!

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