
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Dian Cecht Cathedral Boss Fight (BLOODLESS)

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - Dian Cecht Cathedral Boss Fight (BLOODLESS) The Bloodless boss encounter is located in the upper right side of the Dian Cecht Cathedral area.

The battle takes place in a long, horizontal arena, although some of Bloodless’ attacks cover large swaths of the area. Bloodless is weak to Slash, Thrust, and Light damage, so use our recommended loadout below, or craft your own potent loadout with these weaknesses in mind.

After you enter the room, approach the area in the middle and inspect it to initiate the battle. Bloodless moves relatively slowly and, while some of her attacks have extensive range, it is best to keep close and deal as much damage as possible.

It is entirely possible to deal enough damage to end the fight before she has a chance to use some of her more powerful attacks.

Like most bosses, Bloodless has a basic, melee range attack. She’ll wind up with her umbrella, then take a swipe. Backstep, refresh Welcome Company, then approach again and lay into her with repeated attacks.

Throughout the fight, Bloodless will also throw pairs of umbrellas into the air.

These umbrellas won’t hurt you as they float through the air (they’ll even protect you from a later attack), but after a short time they will close, then fly at Miriam like homing missiles. They are still relatively slow-moving, so simply jump to avoid them.

#PS4share,PlayStation 4,Sony Interactive Entertainment,Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night,BLOODLESS,Galleon Minerva,metroidvania,Castlevania,Miriam,Johannes,Koji Igarashi,Symphony of the Night,Order of Ecclesia,platform game,Gebel,Dominique,Alfred,Garden of Silence,Zangetsu,Dian Cecht Cathedral,Todd the Barber,Forbidden Underground Waterway,Towers of Twin Dragons,Livre Ex Machina,Double Jump,Bridge of Evil,Underground Sorcery Lab,Bloodless Boss Fight,

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