
IOTA, Distributed Ledger Technology, in Protecting our Rainforests

IOTA, Distributed Ledger Technology, in Protecting our Rainforests IOTA's Director of Social Impact and Public Regulatory Affairs, Julie Maupin, discusses the role of distributed ledger technology from IOTA in protecting our rainforests, its inhabitants and the climate it supports.

The rainforests are home to more than half of all animal and plant species on earth, but more than 50.000 go extinct every year due to deforestation.

Without the rainforests our climate would spin out of control, so to counter this catastrophic development the international community has established carbon credits in an attempt to secure transparency when making environmentally friendly purchases or investments.

PROBLEM: But carbon credits in their current form are hard to track and easy to forge.

SOLUTION: With basic devices and novel technology, we now have the possibility to certify carbon credits, and avoid disasters and illegal deforestation. We can also empower the local communities that know best how to preserve the most precious part of the planet’s ecosystem.

Simple sensors can detect and monitor fires breaking out or chainsaws cutting trees. CO2 emissions can finally be precisely measured and evaluated.
By logging all data onto the Tangle, we can act on this highly valuable and sensitive information in real-time, rather than on inaccurate and outdated estimations.

For more information on IOTA Technology visit:


Carbon Credits,Rainforests,Deforestation,Social impact,IOTA,DLT,Distributed Ledger Technology,IOTA Tangle,

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