
Iran news in brief, August 23, 2019

Iran news in brief, August 23, 2019 Iran news in brief, August 23, 2019

Iran Regime's Foreign Minister Threatens Iranian Protesters in Stockholm to Death

The Iranian Regime’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif threatened Iranian protesters in Stockholm to death, brazenly boasting that the regime’s agents and operatives would not let them live for a minute and would eat them alive.
In an interview with the state-run Press TV on August 21, he railed at Iranian protesters demanding his expulsion from Sweden. “Ask any of those individuals standing outside to attend any meetings with Iranians (i.e. the regime’s Revolutionary Guards) and then see whether they would survive. They would not stay alive for a minute…. They cannot even stay in Iraq because the people of Iraq (meaning the regime’s proxies in that country) will eat them alive.”
As such, Zarif revealed his own murderous nature and that of the mullahs’ medieval regime, which has executed 120,000 dissidents on political charges in the past four decades.
When the mullahs’ Foreign Minister threatens Iranian protesters to death in Stockholm, one can imagine what is happening in the regime’s prisons and torture chambers and how dissidents and political prisoners are being treated.

Swedish Media: Iranians Strongly Protesting Zarif’s Visit

Sweden’s Channel 1 TV broadcast a report of supporters of the Iranian opposition PMOI living in Sweden holding a rally protesting the presence of Iranian Regime Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.
“Don’t negotiate with murderers,” the protesters were chanting during their demonstration outside the Swedish Foreign Ministry building on Wednesday.
The meeting between Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström and Zarif has come under strong criticism from a variety of perspectives. Following this meeting, Zarif did not attend the press conference and refused to face reporters.
In a desperate effort to find relief from an economic crisis that has crippled this regime, Iran’s mullahs have their eyes glued to Europe and Sweden for a solution.
Coinciding with Zarif’s meeting at the Swedish Foreign Ministry, dissident protesters were seen chanting do not negotiate with murderers.
“We will never forget this day,” one demonstrator said.
Sweden’s Channel 2 TV also reported that while Zarif’s meeting south to find a solution to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal, his meeting with the Swedish Foreign Minister became the target of a wave of criticism.
Iranians living in Sweden who protested Zarif’s visit were attacked by police cavalry units equipped with batons. The protesters were holding signs reading, “Zarif is like Gobbles,” in a reference to Hitler’s minister.

US Will Aggressively Enforce Sanctions Over Iran Tanker

The United States will aggressively enforce its sanctions to prevent the private sector from assisting an Iranian oil tanker that is traveling through the Mediterranean and that Washington wants seized, a State Department official said on Thursday.
“The shipping sector is on notice that we will aggressively enforce US sanctions,” the official told Reuters days after warning countries not to allow the tanker to dock.
Ship tracking data has shown the ship, Adrian Darya, formerly called Grace 1, last heading toward Greece, although Greece’s prime minister said it was not heading to his country.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, warned that the United States would act against anyone who directly or indirectly helped the tanker.
“All parties in the shipping sector should conduct appropriate due diligence to ensure that they are not doing business with nor facilitating business for, directly or indirectly, sanctioned parties or with sanctioned cargo,” the official warned.

Family of Murdered Iranian Political Prisoner Demand Justice

The family of Alireza Shir Mohammad Ali, an Iraninan political prisoner murdered by the Iranian regime’s agents in the Greater Tehran Prison protested to a recent ruling by an Iranian court and demanded all the perpetrators of Alireza's murder to be put on trial.
Shir Mohammad Ali was arrested in July 2018 on charges of insulting the leaders of the mullahs’ regime and was sentenced to eight years in prison. After sentencing, he was transferred from Evin prison to Greater Tehran. In June, Shir Mohammad Ali stabbed to death by two prisoners who were following the orders of prison authorities.
The court set sentences for the two prisoners who directly carried out the murder of Shir Mohammad Ali, but made no decisions on the role of the authorities who orchestrated the murder.

Iran,Maryam Rajavi,MEK,PMOI,human rights,Iran protests,NCRI,fundamentalism,National Council of Resistance of Iran,People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran,Paris,Mujahedin-e-Khalq,People’s Mujahedin of Iran,Iraq,Syria,democracy,extremism,tolerance,Iran news in brief,August 23,2019,

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