
Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux - How To Stop And Treat Acid Reflux Safely And Naturally

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux - How To Stop And Treat Acid Reflux Safely And Naturally Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux


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Have you been suffering for a long time from GERD? You might wonder what we're talking about! GERD stands for "gastro esophageal reflux disorder." We frequently refer to it as "acid reflux" or heartburn. If you have GERD, you know how very uncomfortable it can be --- and sometimes the prescribed cures can make it worse! But don't fear! There is a safe, natural GERD cure!

If you endure regular bouts of acid reflux, you are no doubt trying different things to alleviate your pain and suffering. The problem is, many of the prescribed medications you may take make you feel sluggish and cause you to lose your desire to be with other people. Many pharmaceutical products for heartburn produce what has been described as a general feeling of malaise. Perhaps you have felt this yourself.

Antacid products, which are also prescribed, actually cause the level of your stomach acid to rise once the drug wears off. It seems your stomach, when artificially robbed of its acids, is told by your brain to hurry up and produce more! The result is more heartburn pain, not less.

If you are using prescribed medications, there is a good chance you may be helping the drug company's bottom line instead of curing your condition. Wouldn't it be better to stop suffering and heal yourself effectively without artificial means. How? There are natural remedies for acid reflux that can provide you relief while you are taking the necessary steps to permanently cure yourself.

The natural approach to curing GERD is based on treating you as a whole person, not just your stomach. This starts with you putting forth the effort to develop good living habits.

These better living habits begin with a change of diet. Since the disease involves excessive stomach acid, it's only logical that you start by abstaining from foods that increase your stomach's production of acid, thus triggering your acid reflux. What foods are these? They include foods high in greasy fats, most highly acidic foods, and many foods that are extremely spicy. You can also put on the list alcohol, caffeine, and sugary soft drinks. Your natural GERD cure starts with you avoiding these foods.

It is an established fact that smoking aggravates acid reflux. In fact smoking is so bad for the condition, it can actually be the initial cause of GERD in the first place. If you are a regular smoker, you are 70% more likely to develop gastro esophageal reflux disease than someone who does not smoke. And to make matters worse, the symptoms you suffer, as a smoker, are doubled! That's right. If you smoke, you feel twice the discomfort as a non-smoker. So, what is the next thing to be included among your natural remedies for acid reflux? Stop smoking!

Exercise will help you if you suffer with heartburn. It not only keeps your body working effectively, it also boosts your energy level and elevates your general mood. When you feel tired and sluggish it is natural to resist exercise. The problem is, when your body lacks exercise, the sicker it is likely to become.

Two things that will elevate your mood and activity level (major steps in the natural cure of GERD), are being outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine --- and exercise! Both are natural remedies for acid reflux!

There are other life style changes that will help you. Avoid taking a nap or lying down right after you have eaten. Give your system enough time to digest your meal. It is a good habit to not eat anything at all during the two hour period right before you go to bed.

Your sleep position can also serve as a natural remedy for acid reflux. If your head is elevated 6 to 9 inches above the rest of your body, it will greatly aid in preventing acid reflux symptoms from developing. Therefore, how you sleep is another natural remedy for acid reflux! Are you beginning to appreciate that the things that will cure you really are natural and not artificial?

These are just a few simple tips. You have learned that improving your diet, exercising, and adjusting your sleep habits are all part of your natural GERD cure --- but they are just the beginning.

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