
Plaintiff Chryze - utilising ‘Geoshred’ - original music copyright IRM|sleekitwan 2019.

Plaintiff Chryze - utilising ‘Geoshred’ - original music copyright IRM|sleekitwan 2019. Plaintiff Chryze is a sober piece evoking not only serenity tinged with sadness but also a touch of the exotic, exuding an Arabian flavour in places. Plaintiff Chryze is an original work, using the innovative ‘Geoshred’ app (no commercial arrangement is in force, this is not an advertisement). Geoshred saves stringing several effects together just to produce the harmonics needed out of a guitar, and it’s a lot more convenient - it is so small, it fits into a tablet computer after all. The core melody I must have recorded on some primitive arrangement some time ago, as I had to extract what I could, from a partial recording, which had a sequencer ‘baked in’. However, with the software now available, patching such a fragment into a usable piece, is perfectly do-able. The background pictures are an attempt to capture lightning at night (actually 2am or so), only really possible for the masses (that’s me) with modern high-speed ‘burst mode’ cameras and smartphones. Listen, look...and soar on...into the lit-up night sky...


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