
Twin flame energy reading DF|DM: 'Taking the mask of illusions off'

Twin flame energy reading DF|DM: 'Taking the mask of illusions off' New twin flame energy reading - energies are still very strong, lots of changes are being manifested, hidden agendas revealed. This change can not be avoided as the energies of Lion's Gate have brought a very powerful of energies to bring this change into the physical.

Syllabus for the healing Webinar/Seminar on 24 August 2019
‘Forgiveness sacred healing’

Date: 24 August 2019, Saturday
Time: 8.30 pm London, UK, via Zoom or Skype
Duration: one hour
Cost: £34.00

‘Forgiveness sacred healing’ activation with high vibrational light language transmissions

o book please email to or reservations@abundantiaholistictherapies.couk


to book your deep intuitive reading

for shamanic quantum healing sessions

Private readings

25 minutes at £35.00
35 minutes at £45.00
45 minutes at £64.00
60 minutes at £85.00

Types of reading and spreads

Creating and doing readings is a sacred event. Here are spreads that I use in creating readings for the following types of readings:

General readings and energies
Love and relationships
Works, career, abundance and prosperity
Spiritual path and higher purpose
Twin Flame In-depth Intuitive Reading
All seven chakras full energy readings with light language, crystals and crystal grids

for shamanic quantum healing sessions

If you wish to see what is currently going on in your twin flame dynamic you may order a private reading. I will be creating readings for other twin flame groups very shortly and also for zodiacs signs and elemental forces. On your twin flame path you are mastering the inner alchemical process of all elemental forces within you and therefore you are connecting and awakening your dormant DNA - regrowing and activating your crystalline light body. My crystalline light body is now fully activated.

My work is going to be focused on bringing forth the beautiful, healthy, balanced, sacred Goddess energy – the new template of the Mother/Goddess energy.

My work is now going to reflect that what I have been working on since 2015. I have been on the twin flame journey since 2010. or

Vimeo light language healings - light language activations on my Vimeo page can be purchased for the inner child healing, chakra balancing and the heart healing:

to follow me on instagram:

to join my facebook page

Vimeo light language healings

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