
UNIVERSE EXISTS BECAUSE BRAHMAN EXISTS: Swami Sankarananda, General Secretary, IVS

UNIVERSE EXISTS BECAUSE BRAHMAN EXISTS: Swami Sankarananda, General Secretary, IVS It is due to the existence of Brahman that the world we see exists. It is Brahman who manifests whatever is. "He shining, all the shine; through his lustre all these are variously illumined", as says the Upanishads.
Swami Sankarananda, General Secretary of the International Vedanta Society (IVS) speaks on this very topic that it is because Brahman exists that the world is. Brahman is the substratum of this universe. Brahman is totally unaffected and untainted by anything whatsoever. It is ever pure, divine, perfect and Absolute.
Swami Sankarananda met his Master Bhagavan- the Core and Founder of IVS for the first time when he was a young boy of seventeen. He has been a constant companion of Bhagavan ever since. Swamiji has lectured many prestigious universities and educational institutions of India and Europe from time to time.

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