
WHAT IN THE HELL is the purpose of our government? Israel, please teach our people how to govern! 🙄

WHAT IN THE HELL is the purpose of our government? Israel, please teach our people how to govern! 🙄 WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE PURPOSE OF OUR GOVERNMENT? 🤷‍♂️

•Since October 2018 the United States Border Patrol has apprehended over 250,000 ILLEGAL MARAUDERS! Yet we have Democrats in OUR government ATTACKING Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Border Patrol? 🤔

What in THE HELL is the purpose of our government?

•Every year around 15,000 people are killed by gun violence in the United States. The Democrats are wanting to enact GUN BANS and have LAW ABIDING Americans turn in their weapons. (COMMUNISTS)
•This year in the United States there has been 597,000 abortions (MURDERS) of our PRECIOUS BABIES! The Democrats lit up the buildings in New York CELEBRATING THE PASSAGE OF INFANTICIDE LAWS! We STILL have commercials airing on television about dog abuse, but find MURDERING 2,500 babies a day acceptable as Americans? 🤦‍♂️

What in THE HELL is the purpose of our government?

The United States Congress's agenda in 2019

•Preside over FAKE investigations wasting HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of taxpayer dollars to overthrow a fairly elected President
•Support ILLEGAL immigration and attack the agencies who ENFORCE OUR LAWS
•Attack the 2nd Amendment
•Racially divide the United States
•Attack Israel


I will set up a meeting with a delegation from Israel to show you how to REALLY govern! 🤨

What in THE HELL is the purpose of our government?



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