
BREXIT: No-deal means no UK money for the EU, sounds pretty good to me! Brexit Party MEP

BREXIT: No-deal means no UK money for the EU, sounds pretty good to me! Brexit Party MEP Brexit Party member Michael Heaver has (not surprisingly) slammed the European Union during his maiden speech in the European Parliament.

Michael Heaver MEP said: “Let me reassure everyone in the chamber that Nigel Farage does indeed still speak for the pro-Brexit majority in my country.

“As for this resolution, a regrettable event is what you’re calling Brexit, well maybe for you with the UK cash cow out of the door.

“But the British people clearly don’t agree with you because look around, the biggest party in this chamber, the Brexiteers, we’re staying up and making sure the pro-Leave majority represented.

“As for the withdrawal agreement being fair and balanced as they say in my country ‘you must be having a laugh’.

“We’ve seen straight through it. The Brexit Party are highlighting why it’s wrong for our country, why it’s the worst deal in history and why we are fighting hard now for a clean break Brexit.

“You need to face up to the facts that in our country support for no deal is rising.”



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