
CBS Reveals Rigging Effort to Cheat Bernie Sanders Again

CBS Reveals Rigging Effort to Cheat Bernie Sanders Again It is almost five months before the first of the Democrat primaries and yet CBS News on Sunday's Face The Nation is already giving us EXACT "projected" delegate counts. Why? The answer is because the DNC is CHEATING Bernie Sanders again. It is obvious that the source for these delegate counts, never before projected this early before the primaries even take place, is the DNC to prepare the public for the notion that Bernie Sanders is way behind on a delegate count that hasn't even happened yet. It is also obvious who the FAVORED candidate of the DNC is. I don't want to spoil it for you but a hint is that it is the candidate who has become very chummy recently with Hillary Clinton and is well on the way to becoming Hillary 2.0.

Note: My running commentary on these clips provided incredibly insightful added value thus constituting fair use according to Oracle Anthony of CBS News plus I've had all my shots.

#BernieSanders #DNC

CBS Reveals Rigging Effort to Cheat Bernie Sanders Again,Bernie Sanders,DNC,

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