
Compliance with ADA Code 309.4: How to Avoid Lawsuits and Penalties

Compliance with ADA Code 309.4: How to Avoid Lawsuits and Penalties As co-owners of ADA Compliance Professionals, Inc., Mark Tudor and David LoPresti are CASP-certified disability access consultants who collectively have more than 30 years of experience in the construction industry. In this video, they share their expertise about the risks of ADA lawsuits, and what business owners can do to ensure they are compliant with ADA regulations.

Today, Mark and David estimate that approximately 33% of the properties they assess are involved in active litigation. Law firms are specializing in restroom non-compliance, and ADA Code 309.4 is emerging as a new potential area of litigation. ADA Code 309.4 – also known as the five-pound rule – stipulates that operable parts, including shower seats, must be usable with one hand without requiring more than five pounds of force, and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. To comply, choose shower seats from Seachrome, the only accessibility product manufacturer to offer ADA Code 309.4 compliance across its full line of shower seats. Seachrome’s patented Lift-Assist Technology ensures total compliance with the ADA five-pound rule.

Find out more about compliance with ADA Code 309.4 by visiting


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