
Hong Kong: Calls for Trump to 'liberate' region as thousands rally at US consulate

Hong Kong: Calls for Trump to 'liberate' region as thousands rally at US consulate Subscribe to our channel!

Demonstrators descended on the US consulate in Hong Kong on Sunday, where they called on US President Donald Trump to "liberate" Hong Kong, according to one banner.

Protesters rallied in Chater Garden in Hong Kong's Central District before proceeding towards the US consulate. Some demonstrators waved US flags while others chanted pleas for Washington to "stand with Hong Kong, fight for freedom."

Demonstrators also urged Washington to pass a proposed "Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act 2019," which would require the US to conduct an annual re-evaluation of Hong Kong's special trade status with the US based on its degree of autonomy.

The Sunday march took place despite the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam's announcement on Wednesday that the extradition bill would be formally withdrawn. Demonstrators continue to call on Hong Kong authorities to meet their other demands, including the release of detained protesters and a probe into allegations of police brutality.

The ongoing protests were sparked by the planned extradition bill at the end of March and since then have evolved into a movement with wider grievances against the Hong Kong administration. The demonstrations have now entered their 14th straight week.

Video ID: 20190908-022

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