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✍ Senator Kamala Harris, a Democratic presidential candidate, wants you to eat less meat and stop using plastic straws. Why? Because she claims it will curb climate change. For the record, the Earth’s climate has changing periodically for millions of years — pre-dating man’s existence and the advent of hamburgers and plastic straws. “I love cheeseburgers from time to time,” Harris said last night at a CNN town hall on the “climate crisis.” However, Harris claims that eating meat has been linked to climate change. Accordingly, if elected president, Harris says she would change U.S. dietary guidelines and have food labels that state that red-meat consumption harms the environment. (You can’t make this up.) “Climate change has been linked to agriculture and the over-consumption of red meat and also the overproduction of crops,” Harris said. (Source: CNN) The junior senator from California was responding to this question from an audience member: “If elected, will you support changes ...