
Sales Dashboard 2018-2019

Sales Dashboard 2018-2019 TpT’s Dashboard provides you with a quick snapshot of your store which can give you a sense of how your business is running, but it does not always provide information that’s useful to know.

For example, is your most popular product selling as well as it did last year? What about your top 30 products? How many units did they sell in 2018 vs 2019? Has your average earnings per sale been increasing or decreasing? If you’ve experienced a slowdown, when did it occur?

This product brings information like this to you so that you can better understand what’s happening with your TpT store. To get this file to work, place your 2018 sales information into the “2018 Raw Data” tab, then take your 2019 sales information and place it into the “2019 Raw Data” tab… and that’s it!

Watch this video to learn more about what this file does. It is designed to work for stores that have at least $500 in earnings with over 100 sales, but also completes fewer than 15,000 transactions per year. It is built using Excel 2016, and is compatible with Excel 2013.

Link to product follows below:


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