
Strategies and Tactics

Strategies and Tactics Strategies and Tactics:
This short video of gathered evidence will focus on the strategy and tactics associated with gameplay. There will be a focus on opportunity and team cohesion which is two of the many underlying principles of strategies and tactics. (Forrest, 2019c).
Example 1 is a short clip of Cassandra Gibbs who is on the Red team and she intercepts a pass from her opposing team, Lime. This intercept provides her with opportunity (Forrest, 2019c). Her quick decision to send the ball to Rebecca Hobbs shows she can see situation potential on the field and acts on it. The intercept itself could be from a poorly aimed pass from the opposing team or could be a great example of Cassandra cognitive map and her ability to read the play (Forrest, 2019b).
The second example of opportunity seen is at the far end of the court where Alex McNeil on the Orange team tags her opponent on the Lavender team. The opportunity for the Orange team comes when the Lavender player on the ground seems to become cognitively overloaded through a combination of being tagged, falling over and then looking up to see a force ratio created from the Orange team that is not in his team favour and he seems to just pass the ball away. This then gives the Orange team an advantage as numbers are on their side, the use the opportunity to score.
Another underlying principle of strategy and tactics is team cohesion. In the video, example 1 for cohesion shows a short play where everyone on the Pink team touches the object in its progression up the court and is followed through successfully. The use of every team member highlights that there is a team-wide competency network that every playing has an understanding of and it also highlights a very smooth and effortless play. This also could be evidence of team-wide autonomous skill level, great cognitive mapping, and knowledge, and a team that is valuing and using their resources to their advantage (Forrest, 2019c)(Forrest, 2019b)(Forrest, 2019d).
Lastly, example 2 for cohesion shown in the video is a result of confrontational space being used to the Orange team’s advantage. The Pink team is in the possession and when the freeze frame occurs in the video, there is a force ratio that is not in favour to the Pink team, further, four out of six of the pink team are either behind her beside Brent Hardy who has the ball. There is a shortening confrontational space created between Brent Hardy and a wall of the Orange team. This can be seen as a demonstration of the cohesion evident in the orange teams play. The force ratio combined with the pressure forces a rushed pass from Brent, maybe due to cognitive overload, and the ball being retrieved by the Orange team, who take an opportunity and complete a play with it.


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