
Student Success Minute: English Co-Requisite Course

Student Success Minute: English Co-Requisite Course Over 8 semesters, from Spring 2017 through Summer 2019, 10.5% of our enrollment in College Composition (ENGL 1100) includes students who placed a level below college-ready in English. By co-enrolling these students with college-ready students in ENGL 1100, and providing a support course as a co-requisite for the population that is not testing quite college-ready, the overall success rates of co-requisite students are on par with the college-ready students. This means they have successfully skipped a semester of pre-requisite developmental English and completed the college-level course earlier. Further, as a percentage, Black/African-American and those identifying as “Other race” are slightly overrepresented in the ALP. Also of note, the success rates of college-ready students enrolled in the ENGL 1100 section with the co-requisite program students tend to be slightly higher than that of the college-ready students enrolled in the traditional ENGL 1100 sections.


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