After performing the steps from this video, you'll be able to install a custom firmware using M365_DownG:
The idea for this video is taken from this French website:
You'll need:
1. ST-Link programmer
Banggood. Shipped from CN, US or UK warehouses:
2. Pin Header (optional)
Bangood. Shipped from CN or UK:
3. Soldering Iron
Banggood. Shipped from CN, US or UK:
Steps to follow:
1. Download this zip file and extract on your PC:
2. Run "STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.4.0 setup.exe" for driver installation.
3. Connect ST-Link according schematics (m365_connection.jpg for m365 or pro_connection.jpg for PRO)
3. Plug ST-Link into USB port and wait until driver installation has end
4. Run batch file (ble365rec.bat for M365 or blePROrec.bat for PRO)