
🛴 Xiaomi M365 🛴 firmware 1.5.4. This is how you can fix it!

🛴 Xiaomi M365 🛴 firmware 1.5.4. This is how you can fix it! If you upgraded your Xiaomi M365 electric scooter to firmware version 1.5.4 and now you can't use any 3rd part apps (e.g. M365_DownG, M365 Tools, M365 Dashboard), then in this video you will see how this can be fixed.

After performing the steps from this video, you'll be able to install a custom firmware using M365_DownG:

The idea for this video is taken from this French website:

You'll need:
1. ST-Link programmer

Banggood. Shipped from CN, US or UK warehouses:

2. Pin Header (optional)

Bangood. Shipped from CN or UK:

3. Soldering Iron

Banggood. Shipped from CN, US or UK:

Steps to follow:
1. Download this zip file and extract on your PC:
2. Run "STM32 ST-LINK Utility v4.4.0 setup.exe" for driver installation.
3. Connect ST-Link according schematics (m365_connection.jpg for m365 or pro_connection.jpg for PRO)
3. Plug ST-Link into USB port and wait until driver installation has end
4. Run batch file (ble365rec.bat for M365 or blePROrec.bat for PRO)

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