
Drop the word 'Should' | Shine@Work EP #15 | Mira Swarup

Drop the word 'Should' | Shine@Work EP #15 | Mira Swarup We all do it. We should ourselves, we should others and we don’t realise the damage we are causing with this tiny word.

It’s a word rooted in negativity, guilt, and pressure. More often than not, it leads us down paths that won’t take us where we want to go. I make a conscious effort to stop using this word. I believe that the less we use it or allow ourselves to be influenced by it, the better off we all would be.

A great replacement when speaking to self:
Instead of saying - "I should finish the report", say - "I must finish the report". Or even better - "I want to finish that report... and I will".

A great replacement when speaking to others:
Instead of saying - "You should have done this by now.", say - "It is required of you that this be completed by now"

In this context, the energies of the words - "must", "want' and "required" is so light that it directly impacts how we work and cause results around us.

Wish you happy connecting!

TIP: Feel free to share this video with colleagues or use it for any in-house pieces of training.


I am an Army Brat who uses the charm of the Olive Greens to help people create an Impactful 1st impression and ensure that they sustain it. Being a Coach & Speaker for Impact Communication and Executive Presence, I see an immense purpose in getting people to bridge the gap in their personal & professional relationships.

The intention is to create value for professional millennials so that they can impact-fully communicate with teams, clients, business networking arenas and everyday social situations.

I aim to simplify Communication and Presence for people in a way that allows borders to dissolve and communities to thrive!

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Mira Swarup
Impact Communication I Executive Presence
Coach & Speaker


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