
Focus On Daily Effort | Results Come From Effort

Focus On Daily Effort | Results Come From Effort Focus on daily effort because results come from the effort. I know that many people say to focus on results, not effort and I have been also following this practice for quite some time. But instead of getting results I have been getting the frustration.
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What is effort? Eventually, it is how much work you're putting into something. How to practice effort? It's simple you just put in the work in whatever you are trying to achieve. Remember that nobody can do it for you. It is all down to you and consistent effort over time.

The real question is - Do you put in the effort? An effort that is required to succeed. It's not always easy, but it's the right thing to do if you want to succeed!

Here are the 5 main reasons why you should focus on your efforts instead of results:
1 - Effort is your inner circle - Results are an outer circle
2 - It builds your confidence
3 - It makes work more enjoyable
4 - It removes distractions
5 - You will start to see results

If I have to choose effort vs results then I'm going for effort every time because effort leads to success.
Hi, My name is Janis and I’m Application developer and Entrepreneur.

One thing that I’m really passionate about is Time Management. Time is the resource that we all need to manage to achieve our goals.

So on this channel, you will find content about Time Management, Productivity, How to build your daily structure, etc.

My goal is to help people to manage their time better and therefore I’m developing Time Management Application that will help them to build their daily structure and eventually take action towards their goals.

I hope that this channel will provide you with:
Knowledge - Educational Video Content 👈
Tools - My mobile application -
Accountability - Become part of our community by Subscribing -

If you are looking for 1to1 accountability coaching then feel free to drop me an email to 🔥

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