
MAScIR - Development of plant biostimulants by using microalgae

MAScIR - Development of plant biostimulants by using microalgae Chanda Mutale, a research student in micro and molecular biology at the green biotechnology center of MAScIR; which encompasses several research projects in microalgae and Agrobiotechnology that focuses on trends and innovations that shape the research and development landscape.
Chanda is working on the development of plant biostimulants by using microalgae extracts to modulate biochemical and metabolomic pathways in plants that lead to improved plant growth crop yield. Microalgae have attracted so much attention in scientific and industrial communities because they are photosynthetic microscopic organisms with an incredible capacity to produce diverse biologically active molecules, and the Microalgae biotechnology laboratory of MAScIR holds a collection of hundreds of microalgae species.while equipped with the most advanced laboratory equipment’s that have allowed our researchers to explore different studies and produce remarkable results.


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