
My Daughter is Just Like My Husband -Ven. Pomnyun’s Dharma Q&A

My Daughter is Just Like My Husband  -Ven. Pomnyun’s Dharma Q&A Ven. Pomnyun's Answer to "My Daughter is Just Like My Husband”
Selection from a Dharma Q&A session at Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Service Center in Washington D.C. (September 18, 2019)

Questioner (Q) : It’s been 15 years since I got married and my daughter is 12 years old. Just hitting the beginning of teenager age. Before I even resolved my relationship with my husband, things that I do not agree with, like his personality-wise or daily habit-wise, I see my daughter displaying the same habits and personalities that my husband has that I’m not crazy about.
So I noticed lately that the way I try to handle the situation is I’m becoming way too strict and I try to discipline my daughter more than what’s needed because I have the frustration towards my husband and seeing that from my own child is making me go crazy.

불교,즉문즉설,법륜스님,정토회,buddha,buddhism,pomnyun,스님의주례사,엄마수업,깨달음,기도,수행,답답하면물어라,법륜,스님,새로운100년,Buddhahood,Gautama,Buddha,Venerable,Dharma talk,Buddhism,Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Service Center,Washington D.C,Parenting,Relationship,Daughter,Son,Child,Discipline,Husband,Wife,Personality,Habit,Marriage,

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