In those patients where the erections don't recover to a satisfactory degree or even in the patients waiting for those erections to recover. The options are as follows. The first option are medications. There are three tablets commonly available on the market, one's called Cialis, one Levitra and one Viagara. Different people respond differently to these medications and it's worth trying all three at various dose levels to see which one you respond to if you don't respond to these. Another option is to use a thing called a vacuum device using a sexual health physician to carefully go through the use of that can be absolutely helpful to make sure that you understand this and use it correctly, and this can be very successful, but it's very, very personal and each person does or doesn't like different treatments. The third option is to use penile injection therapy. This involves injecting a chemical which opens up the blood vessels in the penis and gives an erection often for half to one hour.
It enables you to have penetrative sexual function. It's a very successful treatment, but obviously some people who are needle-phobic may not wish that whilst other people have no problems at all using this, particularly given the fact it's very successful and almost a hundred percent reliable, we can also tailor the medications to troubleshoot any problems such as incomplete erections or overzealous erections, erections, which lasts a little bit too long. Generally, using a sexual health physician in this situation improves the outcome and often for the first initiation of this, it requires a few consultations to get the dose and the technique correct. Finally, if all else fails, there's still a penile implant option. This is a surgical option, but a very successful surgical option in correcting the erection problem so that a couple can continue to engage in sexual function. It's been around for many, many years. It's got over a 90% satisfaction rate, but obviously it's not for everybody and it's clearly only for those who haven't succeeded in the less invasive treatments, but it is a very successful option in those people.
The whole issue of sexual recovery is not as simple one. Human sexuality is very, very complex. There's a lot of psychological issues. There's a lot of physical issues, there's confidence issues. And so with all this mixed up, sometimes having a sexual health physician, a sexual counselor, are critical in the rehabilitation in this situation, including the partner is critical in this. It's a two person event. It can't be done as a solo event. And clearly having support from your partner is paramount in this very, very emotionally charged and sensitive area. So it's important to get the confidence of the man. It's important that everybody's on his side and getting your whole team behind you is critical.