My students in Stung Treng, Cambodia are teachers in training. They are very busy but have still found time to create and lead their own projects at the school. The most recent one is a large vegetable garden on campus. They plan, dig, plant, and maintain the garden themselves. They inspire me every day! This video also shows some amazing English skills by a few of my students named Sreynuth and Leakhana.
I am a English Teacher Trainer in Peace Corps Cambodia. Subscribe to follow my adventures and check out my blog at
peace corps,pcv,cambodia,students,Cambodian,khmer,English,Englishlearners,TESOL,EFL,ELL,Peacecorpscambodia,kampuchea,ខ្មែរ,សួនច្បារ,Gardening,អង់គ្លេស,Peace Corps volunteer,volunteer,travel,teaching,teach,teaching abroad,expat,living abroad,abroad,southeastasia,