
Massive 16X map - NoWhere Kansas USA - True American Farming...

Massive 16X map - NoWhere Kansas USA - True American Farming... Tonight we take a look at a soon to be released map by CCS101. The massive NoWhere Kansas USA. The stereotypical american map. Flat and square except this map has a trick up its sleeve. Its actually ANYTHING you want it to be other than small.

The map includes 1 sell point, 1 buy point, a shop, fuel and sleep trigger. Two large suggested fields and several different buy-able land areas. The rest is up to you. can you take on the 16X blank map. The ultimate build your own farm adventure.

Build your farm, carve up the land into your own fields, make it your own. There is enough land for 16 players in MP to have an area the size of Ravenport or Felbrunn all their own.

Not kidding. its HUGE! like think big and triple it.

#FarmingSimulator19 #FS19 #NoWhere


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