Mei has broken Overwatch. There is an INSANE Mei bug on Overwatch right now. Honestly, this is the funniest bug I've seen in Overwatch. I'm pretty sure the Overwatch developers have disabled all control maps in all play modes (with the exception of custom games). This bug let's Mei destroy her wall on the dropship ramp, to mess up your characters orientation. But not only that, players she bugs can FLY. That's right, they can FLY! Does this mean soldier 76 finally get's a much needed buff? :P
Honestly guys, I love stuff like this, sometimes Blizzard games are way to polished for this kinda insane fun. At times we kinda need this stuff, really does make us smile? Right? Anyways, it's clearly a game breaking bug so expect Blizzard to fix this fast. If only they could patch out other "game breaking" issues as fast haha!
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