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The Crazy Black Friday shopping rush is HERE.. and before you go bargain hunting we have some tips on what to AVOID getting this year!

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Ok so, shopping experts have revealed that not ALL Black Friday deals are as great as they seem and you may be surprised to see the same items on sale for WAY less in just a few weeks.

So what’s the NUMBER 1 thing to avoid?!

Holiday decorations. WHY? Well when January rolls around, shoppers can find christmas decor, wrapping paper etc all on sale for 75 to 90 percent off. SO if you NEED to get decorations for this Christmas go for it, but if the goal is to be truly thrifty wait and stockpile them for next year!

Much like holiday decorations it is advised to wait until the end of December to buy winter clothes and accessories, if you don’t NEED a new coat simply waiting will get you a massive discount as they try to clear out the merchandise.

Next up, exercise equipment. Experts say there may be a few select items promoted on Black Friday but nothing like you will see closer to the very end of December through January. Essentially by just waiting for about a month, the selection increases and the prices decrease.

Plus if you get it right at the end of December it can be an exciting new purchase that may help you stick to that New Years fitness resolution…

Another category you’ll definitely want to wait on is furniture. Now we don’t see a ton of furniture adds on black friday to begin with BUT the best time to buy is actually in February. Sales are slow and the new spring lines are arriving in stores so there is an urgent need for retail floor space aka prices get SLASHED.

Now this next one is controversial..TOYS. Parents always go crazy looking for great toy deals on Black Friday and advertisers will totally make it seem like there are tons of great options. BUT experts say that’s really not the case. The hottest NEW toys of the year will have very LIMITED discounts, what you’ll see is the toys from seasons past priced way down.

AND experts advise that if you wait till about 2 weeks before Christmas the prices are even better!

But not to go against the experts but hey toys do sell out so this one is sort of a tough call.

Ok next up is another tricky one, JEWELRY. Probably the most popular adult gifting category. Experts advise not only skipping black Friday but skipping the ENTIRE holiday season. November, December, and February are when the prices are the highest out of the entire year.

If you really want to save on jewelry, it’s recommended that you shop in March after all the holiday madness is over. SO it sounds like if you wanna splurge on jewelry plan WAY ahead.

Alright you guys last up is electronics. The main tip here is to DO YOUR RESEARCH. Older models are typically what get the best discounts so you don’t want to accidentally score a new laptop that isn’t even capable of running on the latest updates!

Alright you guys those are all the black Friday tips I have to share with you! Where do you guys shop the sales? Do you have any more tips we missed?

Let us know down in the comments and before you go be sure to hit that subscribe button and notification bell, then click right over here for another new video!

As always I’m your host Fiona Zaring, you can follow me on socials at Fiona Zaring, and I’ll see you guys next time!


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Black Friday,Deals,shopping,Christmas,Toys,discounts,jewelry,Thanks giving,Cyber Monday,electronics,Avoid,Never buy,holiday season,Tips,

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