
Trump calls CARTELS a terrorist organization: Leftist hypocrisy|NARRATIVE on TERRORISM & the border

Trump calls CARTELS a terrorist organization: Leftist hypocrisy|NARRATIVE on TERRORISM & the border So Trump wants to declare Mexican drug cartel a terrorist organizatio n for a, in my opinion justified reason. Last month a cartel killed 9 Americans, this is violence that is a problem for this country. I personally don’t think they are terrorists since they are only an illegal drug organization (not politica l) but it should be considered as much of a threat as actual terrorism. Trump calling them terrorist is more accrurate than the left framin g of “terroris m’

The media completely brushed off this event because it would prove Trump’s point about protecting the southern borde r. The media can socially engineer anyone the y want with a radical ideology & rhetori c to manipulate them but not if it doesn’t suit their narrativ e. The media would rather you focus on blaming all white people for problems in this country, call white shooter s terrorists & think white supremacy is the biggest issue in the country.

They do this whils t ignoring actual violence that is a real threat such as black on black violenc e, violent Mexican gangs & cartels who sex traffic children to the country. The attack on American s by cartels are just as bad as any shooter, so why are only white shooter s terrorists but not an entire group of people that cause violence, crime, sex trafficking and killings ? Clearly hypocrisy at its fines t. This proves that the media can pick & choos e what they want people to be outraged about. It’s full of fake news

Another hypocritical moment is how the left completely ignores actual terrible events happening at border s that proves we need to enforce la w. How are leftist s outraged at “kids in cages” but not kids being sex trafficked and raped through the southern border? They never bring u p the thousand of Americans who die at the hand of an illegal, they up the crime and the rest are unchecke d and we don’t know who they ar e. Enforcing laws is not wrong, 100k people were detained in 2015 and kids were in “cages’ during Obam a but where was the outrage. It’s all fake

This point continues to be prove n especially with the new shootin g in FL, an Arab guy committed a mass shootin g and the media hasn’t created a narrative, called him a terrorist or even extensivel t reported on it because they don’t want people to know that some Arabs are ba d. Narrative only happen s when a white person does it

White ppl commits shooting - All white people are blamed & white supremac y is and everyone loses their mind

Arab commits shooting - no rhetoric and no one is blamed
And not as many people care

They only care about skin color for their toxic rhetoric

That’s why no one is caring about the cartels and the threat they face the country or anything the media doesn’t what to sensationaliz e

Regardless we need to protect border to stop crime and keep people safe, much more important than the fake media making up stories and rhetoric about an entire group of peopl e


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