
Twin Flame *That Feeling Before Everything Changes* December 5-11

Twin Flame *That Feeling Before Everything Changes* December 5-11 Twin flames are feeling union and are preparing for better physical union now.
The Divine Masculine is in a somber mood as they stand in front of the person they use to be. The DM is feeling the growth within themselves as they rise from muddied waters of the emotions they were once confused and blinded by. There is a moment right before something big happens that makes you feel like taking a walk alone while the sun sets, a bittersweet feeling, but you don't know why because you don't know what's coming- at least your conscious self doesn't. The Divine Feminine, on the other hand, knows this change is coming, that this change is here. The DF welcomes this moment with open arms and a warm embrace. At this point, the DF is resolute in their knowing. My advice- play that soundtrack to your life that makes you feel like life is just the most wonderful gift that goes beyond words, beyond this world. Be the bold and beautiful person you already are.
Much Love and Light,

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Thank you for showing your love and support for me and this channel! I appreciate it so much, much more than I can say in words. I wish you continued love, light, and peace. We are in this together.



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