
We abused Sean in the Navy Band - that’s the truth! Sing it!

We abused Sean in the Navy Band - that’s the truth! Sing it! Even though I, Sean Hennessy-Brose do solemnly swear that this is the truth, I need to point out that I am an Artist and a wanna be comedian so - this is part serious, part joke.

I was abused when I served in the Royal Australian Navy by other people in the Navy.
I explained the findings of the external government enquiry in the video entitled, "The truth about the ADF."

I follow Gandhi's teaching. I have never, and will never be violent. I do not have any weapons and I never will have any weapons. I think all weapons are evil.

This video is not a threat.

The Petty Officer in the Navy made these threats to me:

"We know where you live,
this is not the end of this,
we're going to fuck your whole life up
we've got contacts."

I am not making these threats to anyone in this song, I am saying that these were the threats that the Petty Officer (who was a weapons expert) made to me.

The name of the Petty Officer in question has been redacted by the ADF Leadership Team "For national security reasons." His name is also withheld "for privacy reasons" according to Chief of Staff to Chief of Navy - Tish. Tish says, "Action was taken on the basis of my advice."

Hinch believes the "privacy" laws in our country are unhelpful...

My many lawyers will confirm that all of the above is true.

The external government enquiry into this matter found that everything I said was true, I am a victim of systemic ADF abuse, and Navy was guilty on every count. I was awarded a small amount of compensation for this battle which pretty much destroyed my life, and my family's life for almost a decade. I have not received adequate compensation for what Navy did to my family and I.

The government owes me $1,800,000.00

I will never get over what happened to me, however I am managing this trauma better than ever these days. I feel calm and happy.


Sean Hennessy--Brose
Artist and wanna be comedian



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