Weight Loss Stats 12-21-19
188 lb acutally down 6lb more than what I thought
neck 14" no change
chest at fullest area 45" no change
waist 42 1/2" one inch change
hips 45" - one inch change
left upper arm 13 1/2' no change
right upper arm 13 1/12" no change
left thigh upper 25" no change
right thigh upper 25 1/4" no change
Medication name: phentermine
See you guys in two weeks! Don't forget to Subscribe to get the updates!
About me: I am a wife and mother to four amazing kids ages 5-20 and grandma to one sweet little grandbaby. I am 44 years old, 2 c-sections, and an adult lifetime of struggle in the weight loss department. My biggest challenge has been and continues to be, taking the time for myself to do it. I live in the world of guilt if it's about me. What changed recently for me is that my family needs me healthy too! Overall I am a happy easy going person but this one thing makes me unhappy. As I see that number of 50, half a century old coming on the horizon, I find myself realizing, the change must happen NOW. I want to see even my great-grandchildren and dance at their wedding.
The benefits of being at a healthy weight are indisputable; dropping just five to 10 percent of your body weight may help improve your overall health and reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases, obesity and diabetes. However, shedding extra pounds may also mean some unexpected challenges that show up when you lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time, especially if you are following a fad diet. Fad diets are diets that promise to help you lose weight in less than a week's time. While there are many positives that may skyrocket like boost in your energy levels, better skin and hair, and healthy lifestyle, et al; the negatives that it may bring along may depend on a person to person and their journey of losing weight.Here are the side effects of losing a significant amount of weight that you must know.
1. You May Develop A Sagging Skin
Loose, sagging skin is one of the most common side effects of losing weight too fast. It usually happens because the skin is not able to shrink as quickly as the body, therefore, most health experts suggest focusing on slow, steady weight loss to give enough shrinking time to your skin. Moreover, it also depends on the exercises that you engage in; so always consult your fitness expert or gym instructor to make a workout plan accordingly.
Health7 Side Effects Of Weight Loss That No One Talks About
7 Side Effects Of Weight Loss That No One Talks AboutHere are the side effects of losing a significant amount of weight that you must knowSarika Rana | Updated: May 07, 2018 15:18 ISTTweeterfacebookReddit
7 Side Effects Of Weight Loss That No One Talks About
The benefits of being at a healthy weight are indisputable; dropping just five to 10 percent of your body weight may help improve your overall health and reduce the risk of health conditions like heart diseases, obesity and diabetes. However, shedding extra pounds may also mean some unexpected challenges that show up when you lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time, especially if you are following a fad diet. Fad diets are diets that promise to help you lose weight in less than a week's time. While there are many positives that may skyrocket like boost in your energy levels, better skin and hair, and healthy lifestyle, et al; the negatives that it may bring along may depend on a person to person and their journey of losing weight.Here are the side effects of losing a significant amount of weight that you must know.
You May Develop A Sagging Skin
Loose, sagging skin is one of the most common side effects of losing weight too fast. It usually happens because the skin is not able to shrink as quickly as the body, therefore, most health experts suggest focusing on slow, steady weight loss to give enough shrinking time to your skin. Moreover, it also depends on the exercises that you engage in; so always consult your fitness expert or gym instructor to make a workout plan accordingly.
Loose, sagging skin is one of the most common side effects of losing weight too fast
Most fad diets suggest consuming fewer calories, which may mean they don't have enough essential nutrients to add to your body. This can lead you to being malnourished, further causing hair loss. Deficiencies of macro and micro nutrients in the body may lead to dull and weak hair. Make sure you load up on more protein in your diet and eat enough calories that include sufficient amount of vital nutrients to avoid such a condition.