
Barbie and Ken Fashion Design Studio with Barbie Helping Friend Megan to Pack for Exotic Vacation

Barbie and Ken Fashion Design Studio with Barbie Helping Friend Megan to Pack for Exotic Vacation Barbie and Ken Fashion Design Studio with Barbie Helping Friend Megan to Pack for Exotic Vacation

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Barbie and her little sister Chelsea are sketching summer dresses for new season in Barbie's Fashion Design Studio when the door bell rings. Barbie's Friends Megan and Ben walk in asking Barbie to help Megan to prepare and pack for their exotic vacation in Hawaii. Megan would like to get some new beautiful and fashionable outfits from Barbie's Fashion Design Studio. While Barbie is helping Megan, Ben is helping Ken with broken garage door. Barbie put together two outstanding outfits for Megan. First Megan picks cute fabric from Barbie's collection, then Barbie measures her so the outfits fit perfectly, cut the colorful material and sew everything together on Barbie sewing machine. The blouse and skirt fits perfectly, but there is something missing. The skirt is too plain, so Barbie takes brush and paint and spread some colorful paint all over the skirt. Barbie also paint Megan's new dress. It came out beautiful!!! Megan is so happy! Then Barbie pack sunglasses, camera, flip-flops, big hat, umbrella and designer bag with map into a huge suitcase for Megan. Barbie and Megan are finished packing when Ken and Ben come to the Barbie Fashionista Design Studio to take the girls to ice cream shop to have big scup of ice cream. Chelsea gets to go too because she was really nice and quiet doing her homework while Barbie was working. They all loved Megan's new fashionable outfit.

Barbie,Barbie and Ken,Barbie Fashion,Barbie Fashionista,Barbie Fashion Design Studio,Barbie Friends,Barbie and Chelsea,Barbie Sisters,Fashion Studio,Packing for Vacation,Exotic Clothes,Barbie New Outfits,Barbie Accessories,Barbie Studio,Ken,Princess Fun Place,Video for Kids,Kids Video,Barbie Story,Barbie Video,Barbie Toys,

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