
Build a climate-smart society through informed decision-making: CLARA Multi-User Forum

Build a climate-smart society through informed decision-making: CLARA Multi-User Forum A climate-smart society needs timely and accurate information to forecast and support science-based decisions. Climate services are the tools capable of translating complex raw climate data into bespoke knowledge for target users. CLARA (Climate forecast enabled knowledge services) is a Horizon2020 funded innovation action set to develop fourteen advanced and operational climate services in key sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, renewable energy, water management and air quality. To foster the users’ engagement and co-generation of the services, CLARA has established a Multi-User Forum (MUF) that comprises public bodies and authorities, irrigators’ associations, energy producers, civil protection, insurance companies, and other financial organisations. The MUF plays a crucial role in co-designing the innovative application, informing and reviewing the project’s development, and stimulated collaboration among the end-users, purveyors, and services providers. Following Stockholm and Cordoba, the third MUF took place in Venice 3rd and 4th of October 2019 and brought together a representing wide range of public bodies and authorities, companies related to energy production and agriculture, universities, and SMEs. Discussions focused on the market growth and diffusion strategies of climate forecasts-enabled services; public-private partnerships for service development and delivery. The overall objective was the co-creation of service-specific market strategies, as well as the co-generation of ad-hoc policy recommendations to foster the uptake and diffusion of these innovations. These topics were introduced through keynote lectures and one plenary game.

The video realized in the framework of the 3rd MUF in Venice on October 3-4, 2019.
- Jaroslav Mysiak, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici - CMCC
- Francesca Larosa, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici - CMCC
- Silvio Gualdi, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici - CMCC
- Fabio Paglione, Burana Land Reclamation Board
- Francesco Dalla Valle, Enel Green Power
- Francesco Lo Conti, Leithà - Gruppo UnipolSai
- Francesca Rametta, AIRIS srl
- Yves Magluilo, Meteo France International
- Valeria Baruzzi, Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane
- Louise Crochemore, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - SMHI
- Eva Contreras Arribas, University of Cordoba - UCO
- Harilaos Loukos, The Climate Data Factory - TCDF
- Javier Herreo, University of Cordoba - UCO


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