
CodedTale | “How it Began.”

CodedTale | “How it Began.” CodedTale is NumberedTale, but renamed.

okay, I’ll explain somethings:

Soul Drain;
It usually occurs when a powerful spirit hosts a weaker body. The host’s energy is drained out of them as the spirit/entity controls their body more. Spirits/entities usually do this to kill off certain humans, or to get their way in a certain topic. Once the energy is empty, the host then disintegrates into nothing but thin air. Sometimes, some energy can be left behind, enabling others to let that someone host them.

Re-incarnation (in this universe.);
Re-incarnation usually only ever occurs with monsters. Monsters usually turn into everyday items, like flowers, trees, rocks, etc,. Sometimes other things, but usually natural life. If a human is re-incarnated, it doesn’t live as long as a monster. They only live for 2-3 years, while monsters re-incarnation live up to 6-9 years. (I’m aware of the numbers.) Being re-incarnated makes that thing weaker.

I’ll explain more as the series continues.
(Please do not get heavily inspired off of this, as some of it is tweaked to fit MY Au story. Some is inspired off of Toby Fox’s story.)
Music: Memory - By Toby Fox.

Episodes [Re-Vamped]

flipaclip,animation,cartoon,2d animation,drawing,

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