
Goebbels goons repeat show..Do police obey your Constitution? NO.A serious crime=TREASON

Goebbels goons repeat show..Do police obey your Constitution? NO.A serious crime=TREASON Courtesy of Gang Stalking Australia Channel get over there & subscribe people.

WHEN THEY START WEARING BLACK UNIFORMS & TERRORIZING PEOPLE WITH MILITARY WEAPONS FOLKS, you know they have LOST THE PLOT. Its all been done before, IT NEVER ENDS WELL.... For them... Do we really have to do this again?
MAIN-STREAM-MEDIA is now a weapon of the foreign military administration that has taken over Australia by fraud, deception and now their favorite fear tactic. TERROR...SAVE US FRAUD FAKE ARSE TERRORIST GOVERNMENT... Pathetic. If these brain dead knuckle draggers are at sporting events dressed in black Nazi costumes ring up the organiser before hand & tell them you are not buying tickets & you will boycott their events until they ban these idiots with Black Costumes & guns.
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Get the real ANZAC Australian Flag here.

Get the original Constitution from:
Wayne Glew, 24 Hagan Road, Glenfield, Geralton, WA 6532.

Link to Documents:

Download the Constitution FREE:

Go fund me to organise & kick the crims out of Canberra.

Reversion process to get out of there system.
Get the real ANZAC Australian Flag here.

Get the original Constitution from:
Wayne Glew, 24 Hagan Road, Glenfield, Geralton, WA 6532.

Link to Documents:

Download the Constitution FREE:

Go fund me to organise & kick the crims out of Canberra.

Reversion process to get out of there system.

#nazisouthaustralianpolice #policestate #australianconstiution

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