
King Herod - KILL THEM ALL (Dubious Crisis Ending Scene) | Baraka The'Arts

King Herod - KILL THEM ALL (Dubious Crisis Ending Scene) | Baraka The'Arts The birth of Christ brought forth mixed reactions. While some were happy and rejoicing ... Some in the authority were definitely worried.

This is the last surprise scene in the Musical Play "DUBIOUS CRISIS" that we presented immediately the Stage Play ended with Cheers that the New King Of Jews had been born.

Staged at
Deliverance Church Umoja International

Date: 24/12/2019
Time: 6:45pm to 7:30pm

Created and Directed by
Peter Stixx Mugambi

Asst. Directed by
Jimmy Kinyala

CAST (Baraka The'Arts)

Jimmy Kinyala (Joseph)
June Nyambura (Mary)
Aseka Sanchez (Joseph's Best Friend / 2nd Wise man)
Faith Mbeyu (Mary's Best Friend / 1st Wise man)
Joisca Aloo (Seductive Client / 3rd Wise man)
Charles (Angel / 1st Inn employee)
Eden Marita (Inn Manager)
Izo (Normal Client / 2nd Inn employee)
Peter Stixx Mugambi (King Herod)

#barakathearts #DubiousCrisis #GittzSolutions
#JuneNyamburan #theYchurch #GlonesCollections #aJimmyKinyalaFilm #PeterStixxINC #weareone

Dubious Crisis,Baraka The'Arts,Christmas,Cantata,the Y church,deliverance church,Umoja,king Herod,Kill them all,

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